42 分钟How did the richest people on the.
Planet make their fortunes?
Im Simon Jack and Im Xing Singh.
Join us for good bad, billionaire.
Each episode, we pick a billionaire and.
We find out how they made their.
Money, like the comedian Jerry Seinfeld.
The financier George Soros.
The golf star Tiger woods.
Then Simon and I have a decision to make.
Do we think they are good, bad or just another billionaire?
Good bad, billionaire.
Listen on BBC Sounds.
BBC Sounds music radio podcasts.
Hello, I'm Robin Inks.
And I'm Brian Cox.
And this is the infinite monkey cage from Glastonbury.
Today we're going to be talking about alien life.
And this is a very beautiful thing for me because 27 years ago, I was playing this stage here, and 20 minutes into my act, the stage was stormed by a Klingon.
This is entirely true.