This is hidden brain.
I'm Shankar Vedantam.
The television series never have I ever is a coming of age story about the ups and downs of high school.
There's popular kids, unpopular kids, and drama.
There are lots and lots of crushes.
And of course, there's applying for college.
One of the show's main characters is an overachiever.
Ben is determined to get into his dream school, Columbia University.
His schedule is packed with studying, extracurriculars, and tests.
Ben has no time for friends, socializing, or even breakfast.
Time for breakfast, my little prince.
No time, Patty.
I'll just eat a jerky stick on the way.
At school, Ben's time starved schedule elicits eye rolls from his classmates.
I have some free time between 115 and 02:00 a.m.
tonight to work on this.
Are you out of your mind?
We're not operating on your psycho schedule.
Both of you guys just come to.
My house after school.