How to be less cynical (w/ Jamil Zaki)


How to Be a Better Human



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It’s an age-old question - are people innately good or bad? Watching the news and constantly consuming social media, many of us are cynical about human nature. Psychologist Jamil Zaki suggests that we may be being fooled, that empathy is all around us - we just have to pay a little more attention. Jamil and Chris discuss the power of empathy, positive gossiping, normalizing compliments and more to help you see why the good in each of us is what makes us human.For the full text transcript, visit

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  • TED audio collective.

  • You'Re listening to how to be a better human.

  • I'm your host, Chris Duffy.

  • I spent almost all of my life living in big cities, and something that I've noticed is that there's this idea.

  • Out there that the people who live in big cities are cruel or callous, that if you live in a big.

  • Metropolis, people don't care about each other.

  • But that has not been my experience, not at all.

  • I mean, sure, people are gruff and they're often in a rush, but I am always struck by how excited people are to help out a stranger in every place that I have ever lived.

  • If you look lost, someone is going to come up to you and ask if they can give you directions.

  • If you're a parent at the bottom of a staircase with a big stroller, some random person is going to pick up the front end of that stroller and help you get it up the stairs.

  • And if you fall down, someone's going to laugh at you, but someone else is going to check to make sure that you're okay.

  • And now, for whatever reason, when I see those moments of kindness, I often think about them as exceptions to the rule, right?

  • Like, oh, that's nice that there's one nice person out there who helped that.

  • Old lady across the street rather than just pushing her down into traffic and stealing her purse like most people.

  • But the thing is, that's actually not what most people would do.

  • Compassion, empathy, optimism, and faith in our fellow humans, those are not as fleetingly rare as it might appear from just watching the news.

  • Todays guest Jamil Zaki, is a psychologist who studies empathy.

  • And Jamil believes that while we might think empathy is in danger of disappearing completely from our world, that does not have to be the case.

  • Heres a clip from his TED talk where he explains that many of us dont fully understand how it is that empathy works.

  • For centuries, philosophers and scientists have told us its a trait inherited through our genes, hardwired into our brain.