How did the richest people on the planet make their fortunes?
Im Simon Jack and Im sing Singh.
Join us for good bad, billionaire.
Each episode, we pick a billionaire and.
We find out how they made their.
Money, like the comedian Jerry Seinfeld, the financier George Soros, the golf star Tiger woods.
Then Simon and I have a decision to make.
Do we think they are good bad or just another billionaire?
Good bad billionaire.
Listen on BBC Sounds.
There'S long been an idea that a glass of wine may be good for you,
but recently I've been seeing more and more headlines saying the opposite.
And now the World Health Organization says there's no safe level of alcohol consumption.
Alcohol is essentially a risky substance and the risk starts as soon as you drink.
This is the food chain from the BBC World Service with me, Ruth Alexander,
and this week we're weighing up the risks of drinking alcohol.
We'll look at the evidence and the arguments around it.
There's no safe level of driving, there's no safe level of living,
but no one recommends abstention.
And we'll talk to listeners about their relationship with alcohol.