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Welcome to the listening Time podcast.
I'm Connor from and you're listening to episode 29 of the listening Time podcast.
If this is your first time here, welcome.
I'm glad you found this resource that will help you improve your listening comprehension in English.
I hope you're all doing well.
It's currently the end of August around that time.
That's when I'm recording this podcast.
I usually record each episode about a week or a week and a half in advance, so there isn't too much time between the recording and the airing of each episode.
In English, when we use the word air as a verb to air, we're saying that something is broadcast or published or made public.
So if I say the episode aired in March, I'm saying that this episode was published in March.
This is when people actually were able to listen to it.
So I record each episode close to the time when it airs, and I've been able to maintain this pace for a while now at one episode per week.
Hopefully that's good enough for all of you.
As I've mentioned in previous episodes, or maybe just one episode, I think one podcast episode per week is about my limit right now.
I'm not able to do more than that, but in the future, if the podcast gets more popular and I get a bigger audience, I might be able to dedicate some of my work time to recording more podcast episodes and maybe preparing them a little bit more before I record them.
As you've probably heard, I don't do too much preparation before each episode.
I just have a couple notes and I just speak as the words come to my mind.
Of course, this means that each episode has natural English in it.
I'm just talking as I think, right?
I'm not reading anything, but I know that sometimes it can seem a little bit disorganized, or I might not have my ideas fully fleshed out before I record.