131. Friction Fixing: How to Use Obstacles to Your Advantage


Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques


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Why resistance isn’t always a bad thing.

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  • Hi Matt here.

  • If you want to continue finding tools to a successful and happy life, I recommend listening to the happiness lab hosted by Yale professor Doctor Lori Santos.

  • Doctor Santos has studied the science of happiness and has found that many of us do the exact opposite of what will make our lives better.

  • Based on the psychology course she teaches at Yale, she will take you through the latest scientific research and share some surprising stories that will change the way you think about happiness.

  • This season, she's tackling topics that affect her own life, like stress, perfectionism, and boredom.

  • If you struggle with any of those, or if it sounds like you could learn more about increasing happiness in your life, then listen to the happiness lab right here in your podcast player.

  • To become our best selves, the most creative and generous, we must focus on friction.

  • I'm Matt Abrahams.

  • I teach strategic communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

  • To think fast, talk smart, the podcast today I am thrilled to speak with my GSB colleague and friend, Huggy Rao.

  • Huggy studies collective action within organizations and in markets.

  • His research and teaching focus on scaling up, mobilization, innovation, and talent in organizations.

  • Huggy teaches many popular classes, including people operations from startup to scale up.

  • He also has written several helpful and popular books, including scaling up excellence, getting to more without settling for less, and market rebels, how activists can make or break radical innovations.

  • Along with his partner in crime, Bob Sutton, he has a new book out called the Friction Project, how smart leaders make the right things easier and the wrong things harder.

  • Well, Huggy, it is so good to have you on the podcast.

  • Welcome.

  • I'm excited to continue what we have done many times before.

  • Have fun and educational conversations.

  • It's a delight to be here.