Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 97


Speak Better English with Harry



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单集简介 ...

Hi there, this is Harry from www.englishlessonviaskype.com and welcome back to my English learning podcast. Today, we're going back to English grammar and we will look into some aspects of the Simple Past, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. The sentence that I have for you for today is - The whole place was deserted but it was obvious that someone had been living there.Learn English with me. Improve your conversational skills in my Easy Peasy English learning club https://www.englishle...

单集文稿 ...

  • Hello there.

  • And this is the third podcast of this week.

  • So we're going back to a sentence with some grammar explanations, and this one, we're looking at different aspects of the.

  • Simple past and the past perfect, and particularly the past perfect, continuous.

  • Okay, so we're all talking about things that happened in the past.

  • Let me give you the first reading.

  • The whole place was deserted, but it.

  • Was obvious that someone had been living there.

  • They had been cooking in the kitchen.

  • For a short while, and they hadn't.

  • Bothered to clean up the mess.

  • Okay, so the second reading of it.

  • The whole place was deserted, but it.

  • Was obvious that someone had been living there.

  • They'd been cooking in the kitchen for.

  • A short while, and they hadn't bothered.

  • To clean up the mess.

  • Okay, so what have we got here?

  • As I said, we've got some expert, some grammar issues and explanations to explain to you around the simple past and the past perfect, continuous.

  • So the whole place was deserted.