6 分钟Hi there, this is Harry from www.englishlessonviaskype.com and welcome back to my English learning podcast. As always I have tips for you that will help you understand and speak English in a better way.Today I have for you some expressions and also some other points in relation to grammar aspects. We will cross that bridge when we come to it.Learn English with me. Improve your conversational skills in my Easy Peasy English learning club https://www.englishlessonviaskype.com/easy-peasy-english...
Hi there.
This is Harry, and welcome to the podcasts for this week.
So, as always, we've got some useful tips in relation to English, and hopefully these will help you to understand English in a slightly better way.
So what I have for you today is some expressions, and I'll go through those with some examples and then some other points in relation to grammar aspects.
Okay, so let's start the ball rolling, as we say in English, with these expressions.
The first one, we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
We will cross that bridge when we come to it.
So what does this mean?
Well, it literally means you'll go over a bridge that's crossing a river when you come to it.
But metaphorically, it means that let's not worry about that particular problem until it happens, if it happens, because it may not happen.
Okay, so we will cross that bridge when we come to.
It means don't worry about something that hasn't happened yet.
Just worry on the now.
Don't look too far ahead into the future.
Let me give you an example.
We're going to go on a picnic today.
We're going to go to the park.
We'll pack a little picnic basket, blanket.
We'll have lots of nice food, and we'll enjoy ourselves because we'll have the full day there.
And then somebody says, well, what happens if it rains and you look out the window and the sky is blue and it's wonderful?