Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 83


Speak Better English with Harry



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单集简介 ...

Hi there, this is Harry and welcome back to my English learning podcast. Here I help you improve English speaking, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation through the use of short sentences. The sentence I have for you today is - Video of Sunday's incident shows the rubber bullet being fired at a group of protesters and journalists on a footbridge in the city's Wan Chai area. Passive voice in English. Enrol in Harry's English Club at www.englishlessonviaskype.com for €9 per month, or sign...

单集文稿 ...

  • Hi there, and welcome back now to the third podcast.

  • And the third podcast I have is back to a sentence where I'll explain the grammar used in that.

  • In this particular sentence.

  • It's an example of passive form of speech.

  • Okay, this is about a situation that's developing in Hong Kong and has developed over the last few weeks where there's been increasing levels of violence among demonstrators and quite heavy handed activity by some in the police force.

  • Okay, so let me give you the first reading.

  • Video of Sunday's incident shows the rubber bullet being fired at a group of protesters and journalists on a footbridge in the city's won Chai area.

  • Hopefully I've got that pronunciation right here.

  • The second reading video of Sunday's incident shows the rubber bullet being fired at a group of protesters and journalists on a footbridge in the city's won Chai area.

  • Okay, so as I said, this is to do with the levels of violence and demonstrations currently taking place in Hong Kong.

  • And here we said we have an example of the passive.

  • So it says here, video of Sunday's incident shows the rubber bullet being fired.

  • Okay, so when we use passive, we're not talking about who fired the rubber bullet.

  • Okay?

  • Because that would be active.

  • The rubber bullet was fired by the police.

  • Yeah.

  • Or the police fired the rubber bullet.

  • Okay, active.

  • But here we're more interested that a rubber bullet was fired.