19 分钟Hi there, and welcome back to my podcast.
This is this Harry here, and I'm talking to you on a Sunday evening, late in the evening, so can't tell you what it's like outside because it's, it's very dark.
I'm sure you're probably the same as I am this time of the year.
It's beginning.
Well, we're into the early part of autumn.
The weather is changing, temperatures have dropped a little bit, quite a bit, and I have a little bit of a cold.
So my apologies.
And my voice sounds a little bit different than it usually does.
And leaves are beginning to fall, the wind is picking up, and we've had quite a bit of rain off and on over several days since I last spoke to you.
But that's the way it is, and we have to look forward, or not look forward, as the case may be, to this for the, certainly the next three months until we get something settled, perhaps in the, in the winter.
So not my favorite time of the year, although I do like the different colors and the rustle of the leaves when you're walking through them, when they're dry on the ground, but I'm not always sure.
I like the nights getting shorter and the daylight disappearing and a little bit darker in the morning when I, when I usually wake up.
Anyway, when we see days like this, it begins to, I begin to think about looking forward to next summer or some holiday when I can enjoy myself.
So I thought, even though it's a little bit out of season, that I would talk to you this evening about traveling and the use of phrasal verbs connected with traveling, and just to see how many phrasal verbs I can actually use in the conversation in the podcast.
So listen out for them and see what you can hear.
Now, as always, phrasal verbs are quite interesting.
They're very informal, although they are used in formal speech as well.
We shouldn't ever forget that.
But normally they're used in more informal speech and written work.
And as people now spend more and more time with informalities, both in terms of WhatsApp emails, and all sorts of other communication, the use of phrasal verbs has become more and more obvious.