Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 53


Speak Better English with Harry



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单集简介 ...

Hi there, this is Harry and welcome to my English learning podcast. The sentence that I have for you today is - The EU has said the agreement struck by Theresa May is the only deal possible. New vocabulary words. Grammar structures.Improve your English with Harry at www.englishlessonviaskype.com VIP English learning club, Online English courses and English Lessons over Skype. Check out now!Support the Show.Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/lea...

单集文稿 ...

  • Hi there, and welcome back to the english podcast, where I try to help you with the understanding of english grammar for those of you at or around intermediate level using english sentences.

  • As always, I'm going to read these sentences twice, once for just a general understanding, and then the second time to be a little bit more specific as to the grammatical aspects of the sentence.

  • I've been on a short break on a holiday, so I'm delighted to be back with you.

  • So here's the first sentence.

  • The EU has said the agreement struck by Theresa May is the only deal possible.

  • Second reading, the EU has said, the agreement struck by Theresa May is the only deal possible.

  • Here we're using some political references to do with Brexit and the ongoing difficulties between Great Britain, the United Kingdom and the EU.

  • And the important aspect here we're looking at reported, okay?

  • So we can have direct speech where I say something directly and then reported speech when somebody else is saying what I had to say.

  • Okay, so simple example would be, I will call you tomorrow, direct speech.

  • Harry said that he would call me tomorrow would be reported speech.

  • Okay?

  • So here, as I said, we're using reported speech.

  • And when we talk about portrait speech, we usually use the two verbs, either to say or to tell, and we have to use them in the right tense.

  • So here we're using said, the EU has said.

  • So here we're using present perfect the EU has said, and after to say, or in this case, has said, we usually follow something.

  • Okay, so we.

  • We say something.

  • So the EU has said the agreement.

  • The agreement is something the EU has said, the agreement struck by Teresa May.