Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 45


Speak Better English with Harry



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Hi, there this is Harry, welcome back to my English podcast where I try to help you improve your English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation through short sentences. The sentence I have for you today is - Teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg sailed from Plymouth in the UK on a zero's emission yacht in order to minimise the carbon footprint of her travel. New vocabulary words. Pronunciation. Improve your English with Harry. Check out VIP English Learning Club, Online Courses a...

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  • Hi there.

  • This is Harry.

  • And welcome back to the podcasts of english grammar and helpful tips to help you to speak better English.

  • So the next sentence I have concerns the local or issues concerning environmental matters, and these are quite popular at the moment.

  • And there's lots of talk about different things, global warming and all of these other issues.

  • So this sentence concerns this wonderful young girl from Sweden, Greta Thunberg.

  • Okay, so here's the teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg sailed from Plymouth in the UK on a zero emissions yacht in order to minimize the carbon footprint of her travel.

  • Okay, so lots of words there.

  • So let me read it again.

  • Teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg sailed from Plymouth in the UK on a zero emissions yacht in order to minimize the carbon footprint of her travel.

  • So very relevant and very up to date.

  • This is a very bright young lady who organized strikes in her school.

  • And this spread around the world, of course, with the help of the Internet and social media.

  • And she's become quite a focal point for the whole campaign against global warming.

  • And she's sailed across the Atlantic to get to New York so that she could make a speech to the United nations.

  • So we look forward to hearing about that.

  • So what grammar have we got here?

  • So, teenage environmental activist.

  • So, teenage.

  • This is the word we use for young people between the ages of 13 and 19, so that teens or teenage teenagers.