4 分钟Hi there, this is Harry from www.englishlessonviaskype.com and welcome back to my English learning podcast where I'm trying to help you improve your spoken English and also the grammatical points around that.In today's episode, we'll continue learning English through short sentences. The sentence that I have for you today is - If your tutor has to cancel a tutorial or put it off, he or she will try to tell you the week beforehand. Vocabulary words and phrases. Pronunciation. Learn English wit...
Hi there, I'm Harry, and welcome back to our audio where we are trying to help you with your english grammar tuition.
This is aimed at those of you who are learning English at around intermediate or slightly below that level.
And as always, we're going to give you a sentence.
I'm going to read it twice so that you have an initial hearing of it, just to understand.
And then the second reading will just to practice, perhaps pronunciation or to get a firmer understanding of what we're talking about.
And then after those two readings, I'll explain the key grammar points in a little bit more detail.
As always, at the end of these podcast, I'm going to give my details, contact details.
So if you have any suggestions or any queries or anything that you want to raise with me, I'd be delighted to hear from you.
I'm always happy to get them and I'll always reply, okay, so if you're ready, we'll begin.
So here's the first reading.
If your tutor has to cancel a tutorial or put it off, he or she will try to tell you the week beforehand.
Okay, so, long sentence, let me give it to you again, slightly slower this time.
If your tutor has to cancel a tutorial or put it off, he or she will try to tell you the week beforehand.
Okay, so what does that mean?
Well, if you're tutor, so tutor is another word for professor, your lecturer, your teacher, your trainer.
T u t o r, tutor.
Okay, if he has to cancel a tutorial, so tutorial is the noun and it means the lecture, the class, whatever you are attending, the workshop, whatever it might be.
So, tutor, tutorial, okay, so two nouns.
One, the real noun, tutor, the name of the person, and then the other the tutorial, the name of the actual lecture or class that you're attending.
So we're telling you here, if your tutor has, because it's one person, has to cancel, means to end because he has to go away to a funeral or he's sick, so he cannot have the class, he has to cancel or put it off.