Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 13


Speak Better English with Harry



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单集简介 ...

I'm trying to assist you with English, and this podcast will be most beneficial for those of you at an intermediate level. The IT department deals with the day-to-day running of the company's computer systems and solves problems when they go wrong. Business English. Abbreviations. Grammar point. Vocabulary words and phrases. Improve your English with Harry at www.englishlessonviaskype.com VIP English learning club, Online English courses and English Lessons over Skype. Check out n...

单集文稿 ...

  • Hi there.

  • This is Harry, and welcome to the podcast where we try to assist you in learning English, and we're looking at grammar and other aspects for those of you at or around the intermediate level.

  • If you wish to contact me directly, you've got any suggestions or queries, then I'll give you the details at the end of this particular recording.

  • Okay, so, as always, I'm going to read this sentence twice.

  • The first time for you to get a general understanding, and the second time for us to go through it in a little bit of detail.

  • Okay?

  • So if you're comfortable, let's begin.

  • First reading, the IT department deals with the day to day running on of the company's computer systems and solves problems when they go wrong.

  • Second reading, the IT department deals with the day to day running of the company's computer systems and solves problems when they go wrong.

  • So this could be a sentence taken from some booklet, outlining or stating or defining what different departments do.

  • It could be done in some sort of handout that the company has, but it's not too formal.

  • But again, because it's business English, it's quite formal.

  • Okay.

  • We use the abbreviation the IT department because in English, we don't call it the information technology department.

  • It's always it capital I, capital t.

  • Okay.

  • And so the IT department deals with meaning, it handles deals with day to day, and when it's spelled, it's d a y, then a hyphen to hyphen day.

  • So it's an expression day today, meaning every day or the normal days work.

  • So the IT department deals with the day to day running of the company's computer systems.

  • And running means the management of the control of the repair, the update, the upgrades, whatever function there is within the computer department.