3 分钟Welcome back! This is Harry again, giving you some help in relation to the English language for those of you at the intermediate level. We have lived in this house since I was a small child. Present Perfect. Present Perfect Continuous. Difference between since and for. Improve your English with Harry at www.englishlessonviaskype.com VIP English learning club, Online English courses and English Lessons over Skype. Check out now!Support the Show.Advanced English lessons on my YouTub...
Hi there and welcome back.
This is Harry, and we are in our podcast again, giving you some help in relation to english language for those of you at or around the intermediate level.
As always, I'm going to read the sentence for you twice and then explain the main grammatical points in that particular sentence.
So the sentence for you today is, we have lived in this house since I was a small child.
The second reading, we have lived in.
This house since I was a small child.
The important grammatical structure here is at the beginning of the sentence, we have lived.
And here we're using the present perfect.
We have lived.
Lived is the past participle of the verb to live.
And we have lived is the way we form present perfect.
We could also, in fact, here use present perfect continuous because it will mean exactly the same.
So we could say, we have been living in this house since I was a small child.
We have been living in this house since I was a small child.
Because we have been living suggests continuity.
Okay, so we're using the ing living, okay, or we have lived is present perfect, something that started in the past when you were a small child and brings you right up to the future.
Okay, so both of these are grammatically correct.
We have lived, or we have been living.
Okay, we have been living, or we have lived in this house.