5 分钟Hi there, I'm Harry from www.englishlessonviaskype.com and welcome to my English learning podcast where I help you improve your English speaking, listening, pronunciation and grammar.In this episode, I use a short sentence to help you learn:-ing or to-infinitve grammareveryday English words and expressionspronunciation exerciseIt was lovely seeing you again after such a long time and I hope to see you again soon.Join the club https://www.englishlessonviaskype.com/easy-peasy-english-club/ ...
Hello there, and welcome back to the podcast for english language.
This is Harry.
And I'm going to start with the first sentence.
As always, I'm going to read it for you twice.
First time, just to get you to understand the basics and then to explain the aspects of the grammar.
Okay, so if you're ready, let's begin.
And here's the first reading.
It was lovely seeing you again after such a long time, and I hope to see you again soon.
Okay, so the second reading, it was lovely seeing you again after such a long time, and I hope to see you again soon.
Okay, so there are several clauses in in this particular sentence, and the feeling in it is that somebody was very happy that they met somebody that they hadn't seen for a while, perhaps a friend, an old friend or a relative, and they hope wish that they can see the person again in the future.
Okay, so it's looking at the past, and then it's looking to the future.
Okay, so the first verb we're using is just a simple past.
It was lovely.
So we're using that as the pronoun it.
It was lovely, and we're using that as the adverb it was lovely seeing you again.
So here we're using the ing of the verb to see.
Later on in the sentence, we use it in its bare infinitive.
So lovely seeing you again for another time after.
So here we're using the preposition after, and it's spelt a f t e r after such a long time.