How to cultivate resilience and get through tough times (with Lucy Hone)

如何培养韧性和度过艰难时期(与Lucy Hone)

How to Be a Better Human



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单集简介 ...

Life can throw curveballs that you feel wholly unprepared for-- just ask Dr. Lucy Hone, a resilience researcher, who tragically lost her 12-year-old daughter in a road accident. While all of us may experience tragedy in our lives, not everyone knows how to manage it. In this episode, Dr. Hone shares the strategies that got her through unimaginable adversity and—in doing so—helped her find meaning through loss. Co-director of the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing & Resilience, Hone's research is published internationally and her PhD was acknowledged for its outstanding contribution to wellbeing science at the World Congress of Positive Psychology in 2019. Her grief work now encompasses the best-selling book, Resilient Grieving, alongside other engaging online content. Hone's work has been featured in several documentaries by the BBC, Swedish Television, The Bolt Report Australia and TVNZ. To learn more about "How to Be a Better Human," host Chris Duffy, or find footnotes and additional resources, please visit: Lucy's Resilient Grieving course will be published this week here:

单集文稿 ...

  • TeD audio collective how do you get through tough times?

  • How do you survive when it feels like your world is falling apart?

  • Our resilience is being tested right now, and we need all the help we can get.

  • There is so much suffering with a pandemic and an economic crisis and with political violence and police violence and everything else.

  • And that's not even to note the personal struggles with mental and physical health that many of us were going through before the outside world got so intense.

  • Some days it just feels like it is too much to bear.

  • How do we ever get through to the other side and just to be personally vulnerable with you here for a second, let me tell you that I have broken down in ways over the past few months that I did not ever think that I would or could.

  • Sometimes when people ask, so how are you doing?

  • I'm like, you could not possibly be serious with that question.

  • There is no way that you want the real answer.

  • You do not want to know.

  • All of which is to say that I really needed to hear what Lucy hone, today's guest and an expert on wellbeing and resilience.

  • I needed to hear what she had to say.

  • In her TEDx Christchurch talk, she talks about the research on coping with sorrow and tragedy, but also her own journey back to hope and strength and life after the unthinkable happened to her.

  • I finished my studies in America and I returned home here to Christchurch to start my doctoral research.

  • I'd just begun that study when the Christchurch earthquakes hit, so I put my research on hold and I started working with my home community to help them through that terrible post quake period.

  • I work with all sorts of organizations, from government departments to building companies and all sorts of community groups, teaching them the ways of thinking and acting that we know boost resilience.

  • I thought that was my calling, my moment to put all of that research to good use.

  • But sadly, I was wrong.

  • For my own true test came in 2014, on Queen's birthday weekend.