How to find the emotional support you need right now (with Guy Winch)

如何找到你现在需要的情感支持(与Guy Winch一起)

How to Be a Better Human



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单集简介 ...

Have you been feeling isolated or emotionally vulnerable lately? Loneliness is universal and while we can experience it at any point in our lives, we may be feeling it now more than ever. In this first episode, Guy Winch explains why your emotional health is so important and how you can find the support you need right now -- from cutting through the small talk to finding a deeper appreciation for what you already have. Drawing on extensive experience helping patients repair broken connections, we’ll explore how loneliness influences well-being — and Guy will offer strategies for practicing emotional self-care. Guy is a licensed psychologist who works with individuals, couples, and families. As an advocate for psychological health, he has spent the last two decades adapting the findings of scientific studies into tools his patients, readers, and audience members can use to enhance and maintain their mental health. As an identical twin with a keen eye for any signs of favoritism, he believes we need to practice emotional hygiene with the same diligence with which we practice personal and dental hygiene. In January, Guy partnered with TED to launch Dear Guy, a science-based advice column for TED's Ideas blog. His new podcast, Dear Therapists, is cohosted with fellow TED speaker Lori Gottlieb and executive produced by Katie Couric. He has also dabbled in stand-up comedy. To learn more about "How to Be a Better Human," host Chris Duffy, or find footnotes and additional resources, please visit:

单集文稿 ...

  • TeD audio collective.

  • Hey there.

  • You're listening to the very first episode of how to be a better Human from Ted.

  • I'm your host, Chris Duffy, and I'm hoping that together on this show, we can learn how to be better humans together.

  • That's kind of a big promise, putting out a podcast called how to be a better human.

  • When Ted first approached me about it, I was like, are you sure you actually have the right Chris Duffy?

  • I'm a comedian and a tv writer.

  • I'm not like a self help guru psychologist, but they told me that was kind of the point.

  • I haven't learned all this.

  • I don't know how to be a better human, but I want to learn, and hopefully you want to learn too.

  • Let's try and learn together.

  • We're coming off this really challenging year, you know that I don't have to tell you that.

  • It has been a year, though, where I feel like we've all been really faced with shortcomings, both societal and individual.

  • And it's a year when it has been very, very, very clear that there's a lot of work to be done and we desperately need more people to be doing that work.

  • So on every episode of the show, we're going to have a guest expert, someone from the Ted universe who's full of ideas and information, someone who's given a talk.

  • But instead of just letting them say their big ideas and then walk away, I'm going to be asking them questions to get at what the rest of us are actually supposed to do.

  • Like how do we take their big ideas and put them into practice?

  • How do we change or improve our own lives?

  • Over the course of the season, were going to talk about everything from relationships to social media to grief to climate change, to making the best choices when you go on a movie binge.

  • But for this first episode, were going to start with a topic that is both timeless and universal, and yet its a topic that so many of us have experienced much more acutely over the past few months.