TED audio collective hi, I'm Debbie Melman and I host a podcast called Design Matters from the Ted audio Collective.
Every episode I have conversations with designers, writers, artists, and other luminaries of contemporary thought.
People like Roman Mars, AI Weiwei, Ethan Hawke, and Ashley Ford.
We not only talk about their crafts, but how they design, the arc of their lives, what they've learned, what obstacles they've overcome, and how they've done it, and how they see the world.
Join us for an inquiry into the broader world of creative culture.
Find and follow design matters with Debbie Melman.
Wherever you're listening to this.
Let'S be real here.
A lot of us are trying to be better people and we are a little stuck.
We don't know how to be better.
We don't know how to improve.
Hi, I'm Chris Duffy, and I am the host of Teds new podcast, how to be a better human.
Every week I'm going to be in conversation with guests and past speakers and smart people from all over the world who are going to offer actionable insights on how to be a little less terrible as partners, listeners, allies, activists, and all the other ways that we're human.
Maybe you're trying to get it together for yourself.
It's a great question to really put yourself in the driver's seat to say, is this helping or harming me in.
My quest to get through this or for society?
Connection happens by sharing an experience or by connecting verbally through conversation.
And to connect through conversation, you have to be able to share your hopes, your dreams, your emotions.
You have to be open.
You have to get the other person.