18 分钟Hello, lovely.
I'm Maria and my name is Rory, and we are the hosts of the IELTS speaking for Success podcast, a podcast that aims to help you improve your speaking skills as well as your listening skills.
Along the way, we started this podcast to give you a look at how a super native speaker would answer some of the most common IELTS speaking questions using gorgeous grammar and quality vocabulary.
Rory, are you tired and sleepy today?
Just a little bit.
I stayed up quite late last night.
Interesting, because today we're going to be talking about staying up late.
Yes, dear listener, in speaking part one, the examiner can ask you questions about staying up late.
Rory, do you stay up late?
Actually, unlike the joke that we told at the very beginning, I don't usually stay up very late.
I usually go to bed at like eleven ish in the evening.
So you never stay up late?
No, I'm not much of a night owl these days.
I used to stay up quite late when I was at university, for example, or when I was in high school, but then I would be out with my friends, so I wouldn't, I'd have to stay up late because I wouldn't be at home to go to bed.
How do you feel when you've stayed up late?
The night before.
I used to be quite knackered, but now, even though I don't do it very often, I'm not.
It's not so bad for me.
I don't know why.
Maybe it's a sign of getting older that you just get used to these things.