This episode of the memory palace is.
Brought to you by Lumen.
Lumen is the world's first handheld metabolic coach.
This thing is cool.
It is a sleek black device that.
You blow into that measures your metabolism through your breath.
It gathers data that figures out, for instance, whether you are burning fat or carbs.
And then it gives you tailored guidance.
To help you meet your health goals.
Improve your nutrition, or your workout, or your sleep, even how you manage stress.
And it is also pretty fun.
Like, you breathe into this thing in the first thing in the morning, and then it helps guide you through a personalized nutrition plan.
You can do it before workouts or before a meal, and it will give you real time data that you can use to stay on top of your health game, helping you optimize your metabolism, which is one of those secret keys to everything, your energy level, your fitness.
So if you want to take the next step in improving your health, go to lumen memory to get 15% off your lumen.
That is lumen dot me memory for 15% off your purchase.
Thank you, Lumen, for sponsoring this episode.
This episode of the Memory palace is brought to you by progressive, home of the name your price tool.
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