Episode 220: The Zipper


the memory palace



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The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX. Radiotopia is a collective of independently owned and operated podcasts that’s a part of PRX, a not-for-profit public media company. If you’d like to directly support this show and independent media, you can make a donation at Radiotopia.fm/donate. I have recently launched a newsletter. You can subscribe to it at thememorypalacepodcast.substack.com. Music Swiming by Explosions in the Sky Walking Song by Kevin Volans and the Netherlands Wind Ensemble I Walk on Guilded Splinters by Johnny Jenkins Seduction by the Balanescu Quartet Lunette by Les Baxter and Dr. Samuel J. Hoffman Running Around by Buddy Ross September by Giles Lamb NotesThis episode was pieced together from a ton of little fragments but I wanted to steer folks to a couple of resources in particular: this excellent article from a few years back in the Toronto Star by Katie Daubs, and this documentary from filmmaker, Amy Nicholson, that primarily uses the Zipper as a way to talk about changes at Coney Island but has some great details from Harold Chance and his sons.

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