Anna Louie Sussman: My name is Anna Louie Sussman.
I'm a freelance journalist based in New York.
And I write about gender, dating, reproduction,
family life, and economics.
There's a new book out by the economist Melissa Kearney
called 'The Two–Parent Privilege' —
Speaker: Our next guest wrote a book highlighting
how a two–parent household can improve the lives of children —
Anna Louie Sussman: — Which looks at how declining marriage rates
are correlated with rising inequality.
Speaker: Why are couples outside the college–educated class
not finding marriage to be an attractive
or feasible institution in which to raise children?
Anna Louie Sussman: I think books like this one
and columns that are promoting its message
don't take into account
that it's not that easy to get married.
It's that love and companionship are
a little bit more complex and messy
than just telling someone, get married,