David Brooks: My name is David Brooks,
and I am a New York Times columnist.
I tend to write about politics,
sociology, culture, morality,
all the soft and squishy stuff.
If you ever saw that movie 'Fiddler on the Roof'—
Archived Recording: You have a pleasant daughter.
Archived Recording: I have five pleasant daughters.
David Brooks: — you know how huggy and warm and emotional Jewish families can be.
Archived Recording: And this is mine,
and this is mine,
and this is mine.
David Brooks: And so I grew up in the other kind of Jewish family.
The culture around my household was,
think Yiddish, act British.
And so we were stiff upper lip types.
And I don't know if it was nature or nurture,
but I grew up somewhat aloof.
I was not a guy