Steven Petrow: My name is Steven Petrow.
I'm a journalist and a book author.
Julie Petra Cohen was my sister.
She died of ovarian cancer in June of 2023.
And while she had ovarian cancer,
she chose to use medical aid in dying,
believing that everyone with a terminal illness should have the right to choose
when and where they pass.
If people don't have this option,
there is going to be needless suffering and painful deaths,
and there's no reason for that to be the case.
Julie had this big smile.
We used to make fun of her because she also had big teeth.
And so it was a big, toothy smile.
And from pictures of her as a baby to the photographs we took of our family
the morning she died,
she has that smile.
I think above everything, Julie was fun.
Archived Recording (julie Petra Cohen): Hey, Steve.