Topic Talk | Which chores do you hate and which ones don't you mind?


The A to Z English Podcast



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In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about which chores they hate and which ones they don't mind. Transcript: 00:00:00 Jack Hey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase. 00:00:17 Jack And if you. 00:00:18 Jack Join the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to. 00:00:22 Jack Talk with social. 00:00:23 Jack And we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app. 00:00:52 Jack Welcome to the agency English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host, social. And today we have a topic talk episode and social. Today's topic is what household chores? 00:01:03 Jack Do you usually help? 00:01:04 Jack With and which ones do you enjoy and which ones? 00:01:07 Jack Do you hate? 00:01:10 Xochitl Ohh well Jack, I live alone. 00:01:13 Jack So you do. 00:01:14 Xochitl I. 00:01:15 Xochitl Yeah, I mean, I did and find out what. Yeah, now that I live in Mexico, I pay someone to come do some of them. And I do some of them. So that kind of works out pretty well for me. But lately, the person that I was paying to come do household chores, unfortunately. 00:01:16 Jack Swear none of them. I don't know. It depends on. 00:01:18 Jack How you live, yeah. 00:01:24 Jack Yeah. 00:01:34 Xochitl Her father got ill and I totally get that. So I've been handling them on my own. 00:01:40 Jack MHM. 00:01:40 Xochitl And and. 00:01:43 Xochitl I like cooking. Uh, if there's other people around like I hate cooking just myself. 00:01:50 Jack Yeah, me too. I hate like it's still. There's nothing lonelier than frying. Like one egg, you know? 00:01:56 Jack What I mean, it's just like what's? 00:01:57 Xochitl Oh my God. Wow. We're like. 00:01:58 Jack What's wrong with my life? You. 00:02:00 Jack Know when you yeah. 00:02:00 Xochitl I know it's just and we have no one to eat with and it's like just different thing. So if I'm alone, a lot of the times, they'll just end up ordering food like Uber eats or whatever. And but if there's even just one other person with me, I'm happy to cook. 00:02:04 Jack Yeah. 00:02:12 Jack Oh, nice, yeah. 00:02:19 Xochitl Other chores that I do like wash the dishes, do my laundry. 00:02:25 Xochitl Ah, sweep mop. 00:02:29 Jack Is is there one that like, really irks you? That just drives you crazy, that you really hate. 00:02:29 Xochitl I don't. 00:02:34 Xochitl OK, I don't like sleeping and mopping because it makes my back hurt, which is like weird, but I don't know why, but my back really hurts. Whenever I like sweep and mop, so I don't like that. I don't like getting. 00:02:39 Jack Ah. 00:02:46 Xochitl Even though I don't mind sleeping in mopping, it's just the fact that my back always hurts. It like really annoys me and I don't like. Yeah, I don't like. 00:02:53 Jack It's yeah. 00:02:56 Xochitl Doing the dishes I used to really like doing the dishes when I was a kid, and now I hate doing the dishes because it's like. 00:03:03 Xochitl Just the nasty food on it. Or like other people's mouths. It not it, grosses me. 00:03:09 Jack It reminds me of the like Reddit thread like kids are. 00:03:13 Jack Freaking stupid, you know, like a kid like kid kids are like, oh, man, I wish I were old enough to mature enough to wash the dishes, you know? And they kind of trick you into doing it, you know? Yeah. 00:03:23 Xochitl Alright. 00:03:27 Xochitl I know. And you think it's fun and then you're like, you become an adult and you have to do the dishes every day. And the kitchen is never clean. And every time you cook something, the kitchen is dirty again. And then it just makes me want to eat out all the time because then I don't have to do dishes. I don't have to clean my kitchen. I just, lik

单集文稿 ...

  • Hey, a to Z English podcast listeners, it's Jack here, and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat.

  • Our WeChat id is a to Z English podcast.

  • That is a to Z English podcast.

  • One word, all lowercase.

  • And if you join the group, you will be able to talk with me, you'll be able to talk with social, and we can answer your questions.

  • We can read your comments on the podcast.

  • So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our WeChat group.

  • Our WeChat ID is a to Z English podcast.

  • Thanks.

  • See you on the app.

  • Welcome to the A to Z English podcast.

  • My name is Jack, and I'm here with my co host, social.

  • And today we have a topic talk episode and social.

  • Today's topic is what household chores do you usually help with, and which ones do you enjoy and which ones do you hate?

  • Oof.

  • Well, Jack, I live alone, so you.

  • Do all of them?

  • Yeah.

  • Or none of them.

  • I don't know.