This is philosophy bytes with me, David.
Edmonds, and me, Nigel Warburton.
Philosophy Bites is available at
This podcast is brought to you with support from the Mark Sanders foundation.
We live in an increasingly uncertain and complex world with a casual attitude towards objective facts.
Citizens often don't know what the truth is or where to find it.
The Mark Sanders foundation has the toolkit to address this global issue, philosophy.
Through academic excellence and inclusive outreach programs, the Mark Sanders foundation helps deepen understanding through innovation in philosophy for a more informed world.
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and that's Mark with a C M A r C.
Sandersfoundation we have free will, don't we?
At least some of the time.
We're not automata.
We're not puppets.
It certainly feels that way.
Despite some neuroscientists suggesting this might just be an illusion generated by our brains, we freely chose to interview christian list on this topic.
So what exactly is free will?
And do we really have it?
Christian List welcome to philosophy bites.