16 分钟How are people dealing with the impact of coronavirus? By adopting multiple personas, donating supplies, getting sober and, of course, FaceTiming their friends.
The podcast is supported by.
Produced by the Ilab at WBUR Boston.
From the New York Times and WBUR Boston.
This is modern love
stories of love, loss and redemption.
Im your host, Magna Chakrabarti.
Honestly, im not sure what week of quarantine were in right now.
Obviously, it depends on how youre counting and where you are.
But right now, a lot of us feel stuck in the middle of a huge amount of uncertainty.
Will life go back to normal?
And when?
Well, we put out a call for your voice memos about how youre doing during the Covid-19 outbreak.
And we actually got a voice memo from someone who captured one of those moments when something that feels normal collides with something that is far from it.
This is Michelle, who called us from Brooklyn, New York.
I decided I was going to keep online dating through this to keep some semblance of moving forward.
So I downloaded a dating app and set up a first date.
And instead of picking the first place we would meet, I picked which backdrop I wanted.
I did a sniff check before the date and started putting deodorant on one armpit before realizing there was no point.
And then we started the video call.