Often relegated to the role of slavish cannon fodder for Sparta's spears, the Achaemenid Persian empire had a glorious heritage. Under a single king they created the greatest empire the world had ever seen.
December 7.
It's history, 1941, a date which will live in infamy.
The events that's one small step for man, one stamp leap for mankind.
From this time and place, I take pride in the words ish bin ein bielina.
Mister Gorbachev.
The drama tear down this wall two has had a major explosion and what appears to be a complete collapse surrounding the entire area.
I welcome this kind of examination because people have got to know whether or not their president's a crook.
Well, I'm not a crook.
If we dig deep in our history and our doctrine and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, it's hardcore history.
The dictionary defines the word laconic as a form of speech that is blunt or pithy, that uses an economy of words to make a point.
And sometimes the point is particularly biting or on target or maybe mysterious.
And I love the word because the word refers to a way of speaking that was popular amongst a particular group of people in ancient Greece, people known as lacedaemonians, otherwise known as Spartans.
Laconic speech is spartan speech.
That's the way they're supposed to have talked.
Imagine, you know, the love child of Clint Eastwood and Batman, and that's the way they spoke.
You know, man's gotta know his limitations.
Man's got to know his limitations.
Spartans are the kings of the one liners in ancient greek history, and they are cinematic in character.
I mean, there's not a movie maker out there that wouldn't want Clint Eastwood, during his various movie years, playing various forms of Spartans from his spaghetti western era.
In his twenties, he could play your average spartan warrior.