There's something wonderful about sharing your favorite books with the person you're falling in love with. And Karla Derus was a longtime book lover, dating a man who was also a big reader. But Karla also had a secret. Emmy-winning actress Uzo Aduba ("Mrs. America") reads Karla's essay.
The podcast is supported by produced by the Ilab at WBUR Boston.
From the New York Times and WBUR Boston.
This is modern love
stories of love, loss, and redemption.
I'm your host, Meghna Chakrabarti.
There's something wonderful about sharing your favorite books with the person you're falling in love with,
and Carla Darris was a longtime book lover with a lot of favorites, but she also had a secret.
Uzo Aduba reads Carla's essay how Bibliophiles flirt.
She stars in Misses on FX on Hulu, which premieres on April 15.
You might also know her from her Emmy Award winning performance as Suzanne Crazy Eyes Warren in Orange is the new black.
During six years of singlehood in my twenties, I became a person I did not know before.
I had always been a reader.
I walked to the library several times a week as a kid and stayed up late into the night, reading under my blankets with a flower flashlight.
I checked out so many books and returned them so quickly, the librarian once snapped, don't take home so many books if you're not going to read them all.
But I did read them all, I said, unloading them into her arms.
I was an english major in college and went on to get a master's in literature.
But shortly after, the spiral bound thesis took its place on my shelf next to the degree I stopped reading, it happened gradually, the way one heals or dies.
When I created my OkCupid profile screen name Miss Bibliophile 52598, I filled out the favorite books section, letting my taste in literature speak for me.
100 years of solitude, a movable feast.