How Bibliophiles Flirt | With Uzo Aduba


Modern Love



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There's something wonderful about sharing your favorite books with the person you're falling in love with. And Karla Derus was a longtime book lover, dating a man who was also a big reader. But Karla also had a secret. Emmy-winning actress Uzo Aduba ("Mrs. America") reads Karla's essay.

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  • Modern.

  • The podcast is supported by produced by the Ilab at WBUR Boston.

  • From the New York Times and WBUR Boston.

  • This is modern love

  • stories of love, loss, and redemption.

  • I'm your host, Meghna Chakrabarti.

  • There's something wonderful about sharing your favorite books with the person you're falling in love with,

  • and Carla Darris was a longtime book lover with a lot of favorites, but she also had a secret.

  • Uzo Aduba reads Carla's essay how Bibliophiles flirt.

  • She stars in Misses on FX on Hulu, which premieres on April 15.

  • You might also know her from her Emmy Award winning performance as Suzanne Crazy Eyes Warren in Orange is the new black.

  • During six years of singlehood in my twenties, I became a person I did not know before.

  • I had always been a reader.

  • I walked to the library several times a week as a kid and stayed up late into the night, reading under my blankets with a flower flashlight.

  • I checked out so many books and returned them so quickly, the librarian once snapped, don't take home so many books if you're not going to read them all.

  • But I did read them all, I said, unloading them into her arms.

  • I was an english major in college and went on to get a master's in literature.

  • But shortly after, the spiral bound thesis took its place on my shelf next to the degree I stopped reading, it happened gradually, the way one heals or dies.

  • When I created my OkCupid profile screen name Miss Bibliophile 52598, I filled out the favorite books section, letting my taste in literature speak for me.

  • 100 years of solitude, a movable feast.