Modern Love presents an excerpt of the first episode of “Sugar Calling." Hear Cheryl Strayed in conversation with the author George Saunders, her old friend and mentor from graduate school.
Hi, it's Cheryl.
I know.
How are you doing?
We're hanging in here.
Hi, I'm Cheryl strayed.
I'm a writer, and some people know me as dear sugar.
So a couple of days ago, I called my old friend and writing teacher, George Saunders, to check in.
Self isolating even more than we usually do, which is really saying something, right?
To be a writer and told, okay, now you have to socially distance.
And you're like, yeah, that's what I've been doing for decades, right?
To some extent.
No, exactly.
If you don't know George's work, you're in for a treat.
He's a magnificent writer.
He's written several books, among them Lincoln and the Bardo pastoralia, 10 December.
He's also written many beautiful short stories that appear in the New Yorker.