Rivka Galchen Reads Aleksandar Hemon

Rivka Galchen阅读Aleksandar Hemon

The New Yorker: Fiction



1 小时 6 分钟

单集简介 ...

The author joins Deborah Treisman to read and discuss the story “The Bees, Part 1,” which was published in a 2002 issue of The New Yorker.

单集文稿 ...

  • This is the New Yorker fiction podcast from the New Yorker magazine.

  • I'm Deborah Treisman, fiction editor at the New Yorker.

  • Each month we invite a writer to choose a story from the magazine's archives to read and discuss.

  • This month, on our 200th episode, we're going to hear the Bees, part one by Alexander Heman, which appeared in the New Yorker.

  • In October of 2002, Father announced that.

  • He was going to make a film that would not lie.

  • My mother asked what the movie would be about.

  • The truth.

  • He said, obviously.

  • The story was chosen by Rivka Gauchan, whose books include the story collection American Innovations and the novel.

  • Everyone knows your mother is a witch.

  • Hi, Rivka, welcome back.

  • Hi.

  • Thanks for having me.

  • So on the other episodes of the podcast that you've done, you chose stories by Isaac Bosheva Singer and Leonard Michaels, and now Alexander Hemmon.

  • And I'm wondering if there's a common denominator.

  • No, I think one thing is that all of them have a language that feels translated.

  • I mean, Batheva singer is translated, but when I say translated, I mean it not in the sense of awkwardness, but in the sense of being very, very precise.

  • Like it feels foreign because it feels so accurate.

  • Each word choice feels accurate, and that's something I'm drawn to.