Andrew and Sarah met on a dating app. Their first date was just supposed to be coffee, but it lasted nine glorious hours. They talked nonstop across four San Francisco neighborhoods. But by 2 a.m., Sarah had an admission to make. She told Andrew, who is Asian-American, that his “race might be an issue.” Andrew was shocked. The kicker? Sarah is also Asian-American. Today, we hear both sides of this story — and find out where Sarah and Andrew are now. Featured stories: “When a Dating Dare Leads to Months of Soul Searching,” Andrew Lee“Manic Pixie Real Girl,” Jerico Mandybur Andrew’s story was recorded by Audm. To hear more audio stories from publishers like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android.
Hi, Jerico.
Hi there.
If you have your story in front of you —
Yeah, sure.
I’m trying not to sound like it’s not 8:30 in the morning.
Yeah, thank you for talking to us.
You’re in Australia?
I am, yeah.
'Manic Pixie Real Girl.'
The first time I heard the term “manic pixie dream girl” I felt a hot shame.
My unique rebellion suddenly seemed small, my attempts at self–definition in vain.
I wasn’t complex; I was caricature.
Always an object, never a subject.
Worse, I loved someone who needed me to stay that way.
A man who needed me to remain a fantasy, forever out of reach.
I stepped closer, anyway.
“Don’t worry,” he said after we fought.
“You’re still my muse.”
“No,” I thought.