How final is a final offer, really? Does anonymity turn nice people into jerks? And should you tell your crush that you dreamed about marrying them?
Hi, NSQ listeners.
This week we're bringing you one of our favorite episodes from the NSQ archive, one of the first episodes featuring Mike and Angela.
We hope you enjoy this conversation, and we'll be back next week with a brand new episode of the show.
That's so much to have to remember.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Mike Mon, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
Do ultimatums really work?
Look, I've got 48 hours invested in this relationship, and I just need to know, are we going to the alter or not?
Mike, I have a question from a listener named Signy, and it's about ultimatums.
You only have one choice.
You were either gonna take my offer to listen to this question, or I'm never gonna talk to you again.
This is a serious ultimatum already.
Look, I'm gonna accept, though.
I don't love how you just did that.
Signy writes, do ultimatums really work?
I frequently wonder if those who pose ultimatums end up happy with the results, whether it's at work or in someone's personal life, do we really get what we want?
Is the promotion slash raid everything it's cracked up to be, or do they end up quitting anyway?
Yes, they got a ring on their finger, but the marriage doesn't last.