21 分钟Good advice for good communication in this 150th episode.
Hi Matt here.
For most of us, presenting confidently and clearly in our native language is hard enough, but communicating in another language is marked by unique challenges and opportunities for growth.
I am super excited to share our new ElL English language learning webpage at Fastersmarter IO ELL.
This page is designed to help all non native english speakers feel less anxious while being more authentic and successful in their communication.
In addition to practical advice, you will find think fast Talk Smart episode specific ELL content along with links to my favorite english language learning podcast playlist.
Please check out FasterSmarter IO ell.
Legendary baseball player Hack Wilson said, in life you need many more things besides talent, things like good advice and common sense.
In honor of our 150th Think Fast Talk Smart episode, we plan to spend some time today focusing on good communication advice.
I'm Matt Abrahams and I teach strategic communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Welcome to this celebratory quick thinks episode of Think Talk Smart, the podcast.
Today I am joined by my colleague, friend and strategic communication teaching partner, Chawan Jackson.
Beyond being a lecturer, Chawan is an expert communicator and the executive director of vocal justice.
Vocal justice helps black and brown students learn how to communicate authentically and persuasively about social justice.
Chawan, thanks for joining me in a much smaller room than our usual classroom.
Thank you for having me, Matt.
It's been such a pleasure teaching with you and congratulations on 150 episodes.
Thank you.
Before we begin, I just want to express my deep gratitude to all of our listeners and the team behind the scenes that brings this podcast to everyone.
Our podcast started as an experiment to see if we could help people hone and develop their communication skills, and I'm continually surprised and humbled by the amazing reception we've had across the world over these four and a half years.
Thank you all for tuning in and for supporting us.