26 分钟Why we often over-index on risk.
Hi Matt here.
For most of us, presenting confidently and clearly in our native language is hard enough, but communicating in another language is marked by unique challenges and opportunities for growth.
I am super excited to share our new Ell English language learning webpage at Fastersmarter IO ELl.
This page is designed to help all non native english speakers feel less anxious while being more authentic and successful in their communication.
In addition to practical advice, you will find think fast Talk Smart episode specific ELL content along with links to my favorite english language learning podcast playlist.
Please check out fastersmarter IO Ell.
Hi Matt here.
Welcome to a best of episode of Think Fast Talk Smart, the podcast.
This is one of my favorite episodes where I get to have a conversation with Dan Pink.
So many practical, practical and tactical bits of advice.
One of my favorites is talk like a human.
Communication is about risk taking.
Many of us are held back by our fears and concerns about what might happen.
Today we'll explore having a bias for action and being direct and immediate with our audiences.
I'm Matt Abrahams and I teach strategic communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Welcome to think Fast Talk Smart, the podcast.
Today I am super excited to chat with Dan Pink.
Dan is the author of five New York Times bestsellers, including his latest, the power of how looking backward moves us forward.
Early in his career, Dan served as a political speechwriter, including being chief speechwriter to vice president Al Gore.