Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 490

和哈利说更好的英语 | 第490话

Speak Better English with Harry



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单集简介 ...

In this episode, you'll learn 14 essential 'break' idioms that will enhance your English vocabulary and fluency. These natural expressions are key to mastering advanced English. By understanding and using these idioms, you'll be able to communicate more effectively and sound like a native speaker in conversations.This episode is perfect for serious English learners who are dedicated to improving their language skills and expanding their vocabulary. You'll learn the meanings, usage, and exampl...

单集文稿 ...

  • Hi there, this is Harry.

  • Welcome back to advanced English lessons with Harry, where I try to help you to get a better understanding of the english language, to help you with your conversational skills, your business English skills, interview skills, whatever your goals are, we're here to help.

  • And for those of you and your friends or family who want one to one lessons, well, you know what to do.

  • Just get in touch www.englishlessonviaskype.com and you can apply for a free trial lesson.

  • And we'd be very happy to hear from you and very happy to help you.

  • What are we going to look at in this particular lesson?

  • Well, we're looking at expressions and idioms to do with the word break.

  • We've got a lot of them.

  • There are 14.

  • So I'll go through them one by one and then I'll give you some examples.

  • Break a habit.

  • Well, usually when we have habits, they can often be bad habits.

  • Smoking, drinking, lazy, whatever they are, they are bad habits.

  • And when somebody wants us to stop, we have to break the habit.

  • Ah, I saw Jonathan last week.

  • He's not smoking.

  • He hasn't smoked for, he says, three months.

  • He's really broken the habit.

  • It's really great because it's going to be really good for his health.

  • In fact, when I saw him, he was out jogging.