I've only been able to find one biography on Bernard Arnault that's in English.
That biography is over 30 years old.
It is really difficult to find at any given time.
You'll see it for sale on Amazon anywhere from $1,500 to over $5,000 for a copy.
I covered that book last year on episode 296.
And since I've read that book, I've become fascinated by Arnaud.
And so not only are there not many biographies on Arnaud, but he does not give interviews very frequently.
So I was excited when I saw that Bloomberg Businessweek actually did this long forum piece called the House of Arnault.
And I wind up reading this three times.
I sent it to a bunch of friends, and as I was reading it, so many of the lessons that you and I talk about on this podcast that appear over and over and over again came to mind.
So what I decided to do is like, well, if I'm super excited about this, I'm reading it multiple times.
I'm sending it to friends.
I should obviously do an episode on it.
And so what I did is I printed out the long form piece and I went through and highlighted and added notes just like I would for any other book.
So let's start at the very beginning.
The title is the House of Arnaud.
The subtitle is his company, LVMH, bought up many of the world's major luxury brands.
And he's not finished shopping.
And it was written by Brad Stone and Angelina Rascallye.
And so the piece starts with Arnaud visiting his stores.