#356 How The Sun Rose On Silicon Valley: Bob Noyce (Founder of Intel)

#356 太阳如何在硅谷升起:鲍勃·诺伊斯(英特尔创始人)




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单集简介 ...

What I learned from reading The Tinkerings of Robert Noyce: How the Sun Rose on Silicon Valley by Tom Wolfe.

单集文稿 ...

  • So the book that I want to talk to you about today is not a book.

  • It is a long form article.

  • Long form piece written for Esquire magazine all the way back in 1983.

  • It is very well known, long form piece for those that study the history of the technology industry, specifically the history of Silicon Valley.

  • It is called the Tinkerings of Robert Noyce, how the sun rose on the Silicon Valley.

  • And it was written by Tom Wolf.

  • And I was reading it and rereading it in anticipation for another book, another biography on Bob Noyce that I'm going to at the end of this encourage you to read along with me.

  • But as I was reading this to service supplemental research for the other book, I realized, like, this piece is so good that it could stand on its own and it should be an episode on its own.

  • So I want to read to you, and it gives you an idea of why this is so important, because even though the technology has changed, like, if you strip away what new technology is being invented in this article, you could easily replace it with the technology that is being created today.

  • And yet humans reaction is almost identical.

  • But let me give you the intro to this article, because I think it sets it up perfectly.

  • Remember, this is written in 1983.

  • Okay?

  • America is today in the midst of a great technological revolution.

  • With the advent of the silicon chip, information processing and communications, the national economy has been strikingly altered.

  • The new technology is changing how we live, how we work, how we think.

  • People say the exact same thing today.

  • It's remarkable.

  • The revolution didn't just happen.

  • It was engineered by a small number of people.