19 分钟If youre an athlete, you know the greatest motivator of all is the fear of letting your teammates down.
After all, a team is only as good as its weakest link.
So you owe it to those wearing the same jersey as you to be your best every time you step on the field.
Thats why theres no vape in team.
When you vape, you can expose your lungs to toxic chemicals that can damage your lungs.
If youre a step behind the teams, a step behind, brought to you by the real cost and the FDA.
Hello, dear listener and welcome into ielts speaking part two.
Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music.
You should say who this person is, how you knew them, what music he or she likes, why they think music is important and explain how you feel about him or her.
Rory here has a lot of people who are into music.
I do.
I know so many people that are into music.
Give us your story, lets talk about.
One of them now.
I mean, I feel like music plays a key role in everyones lives, really, unless theyre like a psychopath or something.
But one friend of mine who is very keen on music is my best friend, Rob.
We met each other through mutual friends and got on like a house on fire.
Actually, now I think about it, the first time we met in real life was outside this club with music blaring inside of it.
So this question is actually quite fitting for talking about that.