In this episode, I talk about everything I've been up to for the past two months: visiting a friend, what I'm wearing, a romantic encounter in the supermarket, my try at stand-up comedy, the Royal Academy of Art, eating in the dark: there's just too much to summarise! Listen to it!! Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! Buy me a coffee, you know, if you feel like it: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Welcome to Easy stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from okay to good and from good to great.
I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show.
Today's episode doesn't really have much of a topic, it's just a conversational episode where we have a good long nattere that means a nice long chat.
If you want to get the transcript for this episode, including the PDF, go to Nata Natter oh my goodness.
So much has happened since the last conversational episode of easy stories in English.
Last month I was a little bit ill so I wasn't able to come in and do my usual nattering.
If you don't know what natter means, natter, n a t t e r means just to chat a lot.
And this episode is going to be a good long natter because a lot has happened in the past two months.
Oh, so much time.
What happened?
And I was struggling to choose a topic for this episode, so I just decided to natter on and give you all an update on what I've been up to.