26 分钟Find the words that work — to get work.
Hi Matt here.
For most of us, presenting confidently and clearly in our native language is hard enough, but communicating in another language is marked by unique challenges and opportunities for growth.
I am super excited to share our new Ell English language learning webpage at Fastersmarter IO Ell.
This page is designed to help all non native english speakers feel less anxious while being more authentic and successful in their communication.
In addition to practical advice, you will find think fast Talk Smart episode specific ElL content along with links to my favorite english language learning podcast playlist.
Please check out fastersmarter IO ell.
When it comes to our careers, we need to be very strategic and thoughtful, and it starts with our presence through the job interview well beyond.
My name is Matt Abrahams and I teach strategic communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Welcome to think Fast Talk Smart, the podcast.
I am super excited today to be joined by Andrew Seaman.
Andrew is the senior managing editor for jobs and career development at LinkedIn.
Andrew oversees a team of journalists and editors at LinkedIn who are focused on helping people navigate work and life.
Through his get hired podcast and newsletter, Andrew has helped thousands of people get jobs and advance in their careers.
Andrew and I first met when he kindly hosted me on his podcast.
Since then, we found lots of areas in common and we found ways to collaborate.
Welcome Andrew.
It's great to be with you in person once again.
Yeah, thank you for hosting me.
It's great to be here.
Unlike our typical think fast, talk smart podcast episodes where I get to ask the questions, Andrew and I are going to share both asking and answering duties.