#747: Seth Godin and Dr. Sue Johnson


The Tim Ferriss Show



2 小时 40 分钟

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This episode is a two-for-one, and that’s because the podcast recently hit its 10-year anniversary and passed one billion downloads. To celebrate, I’ve curated some of the best of the best—some of my favorites—from more than 700 episodes over the last decade. I could not be more excited. The episode features segments from episode #138 "How Seth Godin Manages His Life — Rules, Principles, and Obsessions" and episode #529 "Iconic Therapist Dr. Sue Johnson — How to Improve Sex and Crack the Code of Love." Please enjoy! Sponsors: The League curated dating app for busy, high-performing people: https://click.theleague.com/qmhm/timferriss; available on iOS and Android AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.) LinkedIn Jobs recruitment platform with 1B+ users: https://linkedin.com/tim (post your job for free) Timestamps: [00:00] Start [07:36] Notes about this supercombo format. [08:39] Enter Seth Godin. [09:05] Seth's rules for speaking engagements and why he developed them. [13:53] Navigating life's big transitions. [15:54] Why Seth publishes a daily blog. [16:54] Writing process and overcoming blocks. [21:01] Top businesss decisions. [22:45] Discerning between good and bad ideas. [24:27] Are you cut out to be an entrepreneur or a freelancer? [30:10] Opportunies Seth is glad he declined. [31:56] Money is a story. How does Seth tell it? [34:56] Seth on education. [38:11] Suggested practices for overwhelmed parents. [41:03] Enter Dr. Sue Johnson. [41:39] Peer-reviewed clinical research supporting Sue's work. [44:47] EFT's success rate and clinical definition of success in studies with distressed couples. [48:47] Scales used to assess marital satisfaction and bond in research. [54:55] Definition of a hold me tight conversation. [56:15] Examples of hold me tight conversations. [1:05:52] How a hold me tight conversation might work for someone who tends to isolate or feels isolated. [1:14:35] Prevalence of isolation and the stigma around "dependency." [1:18:27] Attachment parenting vs. sleep training. [1:28:09] Micro-interventions from Rogerian models of therapy (evocative questions). [1:36:38] Sue's response to clients who struggle to identify their feelings in their body. [1:43:32] Upping the ante in a hold me tight conversation and its unintended effects. [1:45:26] Sue's approach to helping someone work through anger. [1:48:53] Sue's fascination with Winston Churchill and recommended reading. [1:54:24] Common arguments between tango couples. [2:07:35] Advice for couples who are in love but lack sexual spark. [2:17:02] Advice for couples where the woman has a higher sex drive than the man. [2:22:35] Development and content of Sue's Hold Me Tight Online program. [2:27:08] Parting thoughts. * For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast. For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday. For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts. Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books. Follow Tim: Twitter: twitter.com/tferriss  Instagram: instagram.com/timferriss YouTube: youtube.com/timferriss Facebook: facebook.com/timferriss  LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Dr. Jane Goodall, LeBron James, Kevin Hart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Jamie Foxx, Matthew McConaughey, Esther Perel, Elizabeth Gilbert, Terry Crews, Sia, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, Madeleine Albright, Cheryl Strayed, Jim Collins, Mary Karr, Maria Popova, Sam Harris, Michael Phelps, Bob Iger, Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Neil Strauss, Ken Burns, Maria Sharapova, Marc Andreessen, Neil Gaiman, Neil de Grasse Tyson,

单集文稿 ...

  • Okay, this is going to be part confessional.

  • As some of you know, I am recently single and navigating the world of modern dating.

  • What a joy that is.

  • Sometimes it's fun, but it's mostly a goddamn mess.

  • As many of you probably know, I've tried all the dating apps and while there are some slick options out there, the most functional that I have found is the league.

  • I've been using it for a few months now and I found some great matches.

  • I am going to use this ad this sponsor read to selfishly share my own profile with the ladies listening to this podcast.

  • Podcast.

  • My handle is Timtim.

  • That'simtim or just Tim Tim.

  • I think you can search by person and just put in Tim Tim and you'll find me and then you can match with me.

  • I'll tell you more about what I'm looking for in a bit.

  • But before that, why did I end up using the league?

  • First, most dating apps give you almost no information.

  • It's a huge time suck on the league.

  • You're starting with a baseline of smart people and you can then easily find the ones you're attracted to.

  • It's much easier.

  • It's like going to a conference where everyone is smart and then just looking for the people you think are cute to go up and speak with.

  • So more than half of the league users went to top 40 colleges.

  • And you can make your filters really selective.