1 小时 59 分钟This episode is brought to you by PNC bank some things should be boring, like banking.
Boring is safe and reliable.
You don't want your bank to be exciting or unexpected.
Unexpected is for podcasts about bizarre scientific revelations, not banks.
PNC bank strives to be boring with your money so you can be happily fulfilled with your life.
PNC bank brilliantly boring since 1865 brilliantly boring since 1865 as a service mark of the PNC Financial Services Group Bank, PNc Bank, National association member, FDIC and one of our partners on the show is IxL.
And listen, I don't have kids, but I have niece Pews and my youngest nephew uses IxL.
It's an online learning program for kids.
It covers math, language arts, science and social studies.
And I asked my sister about it.
She's like, yes, we use that.
We love it.
They have interactive practice problems for topics from pre k to 12th grade.
Everything is organized by grade and subject, and as kids practice, they get good feedback and they get awards and explanations for wrong answers.
Figures out what your kids need more help with, and then it recommends more topics to practice.
And there are videos and lessons and sample problems.
There's learning games.
They even have skill plans for specific textbooks.
And one subscription to IXL gets you all the subjects and all the grade levels.
And memberships start at just $9.95 a month.