24 分钟I am so excited to tell you.
Culties about June's journey, a free to play hidden object mobile game where a shadowy figure is spreading devious gossip and revealing dark secrets.
Join the intrigue and immerse yourself in the vibrant 1920s community filled with untold mysteries and hidden truths.
Mark the 7th anniversary with exclusive themed events, haunting milestones, and tantalizing giveaways.
You can engage in special activities all month long that promise thrilling adventures and dark twists.
One of my favorite things about June's journey is not only that it is a fun and challenging game, but it's beautiful to look at.
You can celebrate in style with masquerade themed events and decorations.
My favorite time to play June's journey is when I am in between work tasks and I need a beautiful chef's kiss of a game to relax, to to stimulate my mind to.
It's perfect for that.
Dive into the mystery and celebrate June's journey's 7th anniversary.
Download it for free on iOS and Android today and gear up for thrilling new adventures.
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Views expressed on this episode, as with all episodes of sounds like a cult, are solely host opinions and quoted allegations.
The content here should not be taken as indisputable fact.
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only.
This is sounds like a cult.