#364 Nick & Zak's Excellent Adventure: How Nick Sleep and Qais Zaharia Built Their Investment Partnership

#364 Nick & Zak 的精彩冒险:Nick Sleep 和 Qais Zaharia 如何建立投资合作伙伴关系




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单集简介 ...

How Nick Sleep and Qais Zakaria built their radically unconventional investment partnership. From the incredible book Richer, Wiser, Happier: How The World's Greatest Investors Win In Markets and Life by William Green.

单集文稿 ...

  • Here's something exciting for you.

  • I am doing a live podcast next Monday, September 16, in New York City with my friend Patrick from invest like the best.

  • It is free because of the good people, my friends at ramp.

  • It is going to be at Ramp's headquarters in Manhattan.

  • If you live in New York, you want to attend, or if you want to hop on a plane, for that matter, and fly to New York on short notice next week, there is a link down below on your podcast player, and you can use that link to register to attend.

  • You got to move fast.

  • Space is very, very limited.

  • I'm very grateful to the founders of Ramp for offering to do this, offering to make it free for all.

  • One thing that's really important to the founders of Ramp, who have become good friends and I spent a lot of time with, it's also important to me, it's also important to Nick and Zach and the crazy story that you're about to hear, and that is this relentless dedication to quality.

  • As you're about to find out, Nick Sleep and his partner Zach have this cult like following, this mystique about them.

  • Not only do they have this phenomenal performance in the very unique and maverick way they built their fund and their partnership, a partnership that made their investors about $2 billion in profit in ten years.

  • But Nick and Zach's organizing principle was around caring intensely about the quality of your actions and decisions.

  • And so they made very few, but heavily concentrated bets on what they thought were the highest quality businesses run by the highest quality founders.

  • And in this book, Nick and Zach talk about the qualities that these world class founders have.

  • And if you've been listening to founders for a while now, this is not gonna come as a surprise for you.

  • They say these formidably efficient companies kept costs low.

  • At one point, they have about 70% of their net worth tied up in Amazon.

  • They talk about what they loved about one of the things they loved about Bezos.

  • They said Jeff Bezos was ruthlessly efficient about controlling costs.

  • Nick and Zach's partnership started before founders existed and ended before founders existed.