How a fitness influencer went from small-time scammer to one of the Internet’s leading villains. Support us:Hear bonus episodes on PatreonDonate on PayPalGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stickers and moreBuy Aubrey's bookListen to Mike's other podcastLinks!THIS IS DISTURBINGgoodbye for now… How Dallas-area influencer Brittany Dawn found herself at the mercy of social media's double-edged swordConversations with the Inspiring Brittany DawnInfluencer Asks Customers to Sign NDA Before Refund...
Welcome to maintenance phase, the podcast that so loves the world that we've given our only begotten co hosts.
It broke down halfway through.
It broke down halfway through.
It started strong, though.
It started strong.
The strongest part was your confidence when you said, I've got one.
You should know well enough by now to know, ooh, it's gonna be dark.
Part of the issue here is that I am not a lady who was raised in a church.
It takes me a minute sometimes to catch on, to be like, oh, this bible talk is happening.
Got it.
Got it.
I am Michael Hubbs.
I am Aubrey Gordon.
If you would like to support the show, you can do
You can also buy t shirts, mugs, tote bags, all manner of things at teepublic.
Both of those things are linked for you in the show notes.
Michael Aubrey, today.
Today we are talking about Britney dawn.