9 分钟NPR.
This is the indicator from planet money.
I'm Adrienne Ma.
I'm Waylon Wong.
And today is Friday the 13th.
Spooky, watch out.
Bad indicator is abound this ghostly presence.
It is Nick Fountain from planet money.
What's up, Nick?
Happy to do spooky things with you today.
We're going to do the monster mash, panda mash.
It's going to be a graveyard smash.
Werewolf bar mitzvah.
So on this episode of Indicators of the week, our numbers from the news have to do with higher household incomes, a Keurig K cup kerfuffle, and, believe it or not, fyre festival.
After the break.
Support comes from our 2024 lead sponsor of the Indicator from Planet Money, Amazon Business.
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