8 分钟NPR.
Phillip S.
Forbes was pretty flashy for someone who ran nursing homes.
He's this kind of insanely handsome, drives a $2 million Ferrari, cavorts with models.
This is Malcolm Gladwell, the host of the revisionist History podcast and the author of many books.
His upcoming book is Revenge of the Tipping Point, and it has a chapter all about Phillip s forms.
He and his father build this nursing home empire and they expand from Chicago to Miami.
And Philip moves down there and he goes crooked.
In 2019, Philip goes on trial for one of the biggest Medicare fraud cases in history.
In his defense, a rabbi who had known Philip's wider family for decades took the stand.
He said when he was living in Chicago, he was an upstanding citizen from this deeply philanthropic family.
And then he goes to Miami and everything falls apart.
And the rabbi, the family friend, says it's Miami's fault.
And I actually agree with him.
I think it's Miami's fault.
It's this idea that a city can ruin an individual.
That fascinated Malcolm Gladwell.
This is an indicator from Planet Money.
I'm Waylon Wong.
And I'm Darian woods.