Season 2: Interior

第 2 季:室内装饰

Nice Try!



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Nice Try's second season, Interior, interrogates the lifestyle technologies and products that determine the ways we clean, cook, exercise, and sleep -- as we attempt to sail to the unreachable shore of a better life. Hosted by Avery Trufelman. From Curbed and the Vox Media Podcast Network. Thursdays starting October 14th. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

单集文稿 ...

  • Let me turn it on and you'll hear that little sing at the beginning as it comes up to speed.

  • In.

  • The sisyphusian turn of days, it feels like I repeat the same motions over and over again.

  • I clean, I eat, I exercise, or I don't exercise.

  • And I feel guilty about not exercising.

  • I shower, I sleep, and I can't help but feel pressure to do it all better because there's a whole suite of products out there promising a new and improved life.

  • Prosperity involves a lot of consumption.

  • Kitchen appliances that make meals in an instant.

  • We aren't doing something to be slow and deliberate about it.

  • We need to do more than one thing at the same time.

  • Workout equipment and weights in all shapes and sizes that help you cheat mortality.

  • Everyone should be lifting weights.

  • I'm not saying you should be lifting weights.

  • Weights to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or whatever.

  • No, you should be lifting weights to improve your quality of life.

  • Mattresses that will knock you out for a solid 8 hours a night.

  • There's like green tea mattresses, and CBD is an accessory to these mattresses they're selling.

  • So there's a ton of marketing going on.

  • It feels like there's this genre of domestic technology attempting to turn our homes into little personal utopias.

  • Can the private home be a sort of utopia?