Let me turn it on and you'll hear that little sing at the beginning as it comes up to speed.
The sisyphusian turn of days, it feels like I repeat the same motions over and over again.
I clean, I eat, I exercise, or I don't exercise.
And I feel guilty about not exercising.
I shower, I sleep, and I can't help but feel pressure to do it all better because there's a whole suite of products out there promising a new and improved life.
Prosperity involves a lot of consumption.
Kitchen appliances that make meals in an instant.
We aren't doing something to be slow and deliberate about it.
We need to do more than one thing at the same time.
Workout equipment and weights in all shapes and sizes that help you cheat mortality.
Everyone should be lifting weights.
I'm not saying you should be lifting weights.
Weights to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or whatever.
No, you should be lifting weights to improve your quality of life.
Mattresses that will knock you out for a solid 8 hours a night.
There's like green tea mattresses, and CBD is an accessory to these mattresses they're selling.
So there's a ton of marketing going on.
It feels like there's this genre of domestic technology attempting to turn our homes into little personal utopias.
Can the private home be a sort of utopia?