Something True 2.2: Baatar


Something True



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单集简介 ...

What if Genghis Khan died, just before he really got going? Thanks to a blacksmith's son called Jelme, we don't have to wonder. We might, however, wonder why Jelme's heroic rescue required so much blood and so little clothing—but thanks to a blacksmith's podcast called Something True, we don't have to wonder. Read a full transcript of this episode on the Something True website. Follow Something True on Twitter @atruepodcast. (Or just follow Duncan and Alex.) Music on this week’s episode: Jahzzar – The Last Ones* Gablé – Gloria* Gablé – Douch OK* Lee Maddeford – Tom's Lullaby (with Les Gauchers Orchestra)* David Szesztay – Bizarre Waltz* *modified for the podcast.

单集文稿 ...

  • Before the warlord, Temujin was called Chinggis Khan, he very nearly lost his life in a battle against a powerful foe at the Onon river in Mongolia.

  • The future Khan had joined his forces against a rival clan.

  • But though Temujin fared well in the fight, he caught an arrow in the neck, which in the 13th century was often fatal.

  • Temujin was carried back to camp, where he passed out while the sun went down.

  • Hours later, he sputtered back into consciousness.

  • Drink, he said weakly.

  • I must have something to drink.

  • Crouched at Temujins side was Zelmi, his second in command and one of his closest advisors.

  • A drink.

  • Summon a drink.

  • No problem.

  • Cried Zelme, overjoyed to see his khan alive.

  • Just leave it to me.

  • Zellmir rose to his feet and took off his clothes.

  • Leave it all to me.

  • Youre listening to something.

  • True stories from the footnotes of history written by Duncan Fife and read by Alex Corbett Ashby this weeks episode Bartar Zellmer was a blacksmiths son.

  • When Zellmer was just a baby, his father presented him to Temujin and implored him to take the infant.

  • Did he mean it?

  • Like take my baby boy as tribute, mighty Khan?